I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Conduct Policies in the Academic Catalog. These Conduct Policies include policies on smoking/tobacco, drug/alcohol, crime, hazing/bullying, and sexual harassment.
I understand that sexual harassment (unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal, written, or physical conduct of an intimidating or offensive nature) will not be tolerated.
I understand that the abuse of drugs and alcohol will not be tolerated.
I understand that field-based course are a very intense period with a group of adults from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and nationalities. I will work hard to show the honor and respect that each person deserves.
I understand that I will have at least one roommate (of the same gender) at each field site and that oftentimes roommates will be assigned randomly. When problems arise, I will do my best to work them out with my roommate(s) and when necessary approach University staff for intervention or counsel.
I understand that the accommodations will be safe and very adequate, but modest. Lodging is appropriate to the values and needs of the University, not to typical tourist standards. In addition, internet and Wi-Fi access is limited or non-existent in many locations.
I understand that the University will do its best to accommodate my dietary needs, but I may also need to eat food that I am not accustomed to.
I understand that it is my responsibility to participate fully in all field-based course activities. I will be punctual and will communicate with the professor or field-based course coordinator if for some reason I cannot attend an activity.
I understand that in the event of non-compliance with the Conduct Policies, Future Generations may dismiss a student from a field-based course or deny participation in subsequent field-based course . An initial warning will be given. See Academic Catalog, for full policy.